We are the Birmingham and Wolverhampton T.O.M.C.C branch. We meet on Tuesday nights 8pm at The 44 Club, Spring Road, Lanesfield, Wolverhampton. Call in and see us we are a friendly bunch.
For club and national events click on the CALENDAR in the Menu bar.
We have an online store of branch merchandise to purchase click here.
Our chosen charity for 2024 is Compton Care.
A collection of Triumph motorcycles owned by our members


Kevin Egan - Chairman
Stephen Read - Treasurer
Nicola Sephton - Secretary
Gary Langman - Membership
VACANT - Runs Captain
VACANT - Social Secretary
Steve Morrall - Nacelle

BIRMINGHAM AND WOLVERHAMPTON TOMCC is a branch of the Triumph Owners Club. Our mission is to promote the use of Triumph motorcycles and provide support and resources for our members.
If you have any questions or would like to become a member, please fill out the form.